WHO RIDES THE WORLD? Meet Lita Lethal!

It’s happening: WHO RIDES THE WORLD is running! This month RISER is dedicating their support to women motorcyclists around the globe! With our initiative WHO RIDES THE WORLD we will be highlighting female riders, female clubs, female festivals and other great initiatives by women who all share a passion for motorcycles. But we also want to involve YOU: we want the whole community to participate and you will have the chance to WIN – find out more about that here.

Lita is a passionate motorcyclist and Womens Riders World Relay Ambassador. We have asked her 5 questions about her love for motorcycling:

How and when did you start motorcycling?

I started riding bikes (on my own) at the age of 16. None of my parents rode a motorcycle, but we had some bikers in the family, so the will to have my bike has always been there. For my 16th birthday my parents gave me a Yamaha DT50LC. Boys from school just loved that and soon they started hanging around with me and that’s how I started going off road with the bikes. But that time there weren’t many girls riding, I was the only girl in the city with a bike. Nowadays I ride mainly with girls.

What is your life’s motto?

Courage, Strength and Purity! Courage to face life and conquer every step change, strength to go through the hard times, but always with a pure heart and soul because there’s plenty of opportunities to everyone, just build yours, empower the ones you love and do not step over anyone.

Why is driving in a group better?

I love riding on my own, but when you have a pack of special friends with you, everything is just perfect! Many heads think better than just one and everyone pushes each other. It’s an empowerment! You improve your skills, learn more (riding and mechanics), feel safer and have more fun! What’s not perfect about this?

What is your favorite route for a group ride? And why?

I love riding along the coastline, let’s call it therapy! The best route starts when the sun rises above the horizon … To absorb the first rays of light, hear birds singing, all that good energy and good mood … a good coffee and lots and lots of kilometers, riding for hours, at a good speed, with good riders … Take a break to eat, enjoy the people, talk, laugh. The perfect route it’s when you have all weekend (or more!) to ride with your friends, stay for the night somewhere together, eat well, have fun… The best route it’s always when you are surrounded with the best friends.

What would you like all women to know?

We are capable of great things when we team up! We always hope to achieve the impossible… and we reach it all the time in our daily life. We don’t need to compete with each other just because we like different things and have different ways to live life. The differences between us are complementary and together we are stronger! Stay pure, be real. We don’t need to rule the world, but we know we are way beyond capable of that task. We are a powerful force!


RISER gives you 2 months of RISER PRO for free so you can easily participate, ride together and share your Pack Rides on your Social Media to support female riders: Activate your 2 months PRO until May 15thby clicking this link (set up a free account first) https://wg9mw.app.goo.gl/whoridestheworld  .


Make Pack Rides together with your friends, share them with the Call to Action “Support female riders with a Pack Ride” on your social media channels until May 15th with #WhoRidesTheWorld and tag @riserapp (on Instagram) or @riserbikerapp (on Facebook).

The Pack that stays together for the most kilometers, wins a weekend getaway with us through the Alps – find the terms and conditions for the contest HERE.

But not only the Pack that rides together best wins! Among all participants we give away 1×5 SENA 30K Bluetooth devices for you and your Pack as a second prize and among all ladies who take part in our challenge, we raffle 1 beautiful motorcycle helmet by Veldt Helmets!


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