It’s happening: WHO RIDES THE WORLD is running!
This month Riser is dedicating their support to women motorcyclists around the globe! With our initiative WHO RIDES THE WORLD we will be highlighting female riders, female clubs, female festivals and other great initiatives by women who all share passion for motorcycles. But we also want to involve YOU: we want the whole community to participate and you will have the chance to WIN! (read here for more info). Make sure to stay tuned over the course of the next weeks. Today we have the pleasure of introducing Girls On Bikes!
This is Girls on Bikes! An influential group of female riders in Switzerland who are known for adrenalin and power on the road. They are a community made of strong adventurous women who are all about networking and encouraging other women in the motorcycle world. They are big support net for women in the sport. In 2018 the founders of Girls on Bikes met at Swizz Moto motorcycle exhibition, Switzerland’s biggest meeting point for the motorcycle industry. Since then they have grown into a community that reaches far beyond, inspiring women to ride and engage with them.
But why ride in a group?
Girls on bikes mean that the best way is to learn from each other and not to mention the support and encouragement they receive in the group. A favourite route for them is a tour around the most famous passes in the Swiss Alps, Sustenpass, Grimselpass, Furkapass and many more. On the website of Girls on Bikes you can find anything you need to get you started on your bike but also a lot of useful things if you are a more advanced rider. They take you step by step on how to get your driver’s license and give you tips about equipment and different types of bikes. For beginners they offer courses and for those who are further you can find different kinds of trainings such as pit bike trainings and slope courses. They share a lot of stories from female riders as well, from all over the world, which anyone can submit on their website. A great way to share experience and inspiration for others.
Girls on Bikes organise numerous events and ride outs for women and we recommend you to stay posted about their many new upcoming events.
RISER gives you 2 months of RISER PRO for free so you can easily participate, ride together and share your Pack Rides on your Social Media to support female riders: Activate your 2 months PRO until May 15thby clicking this link (set up a free account first) https://wg9mw.app.goo.gl/whoridestheworld .
Make Pack Rides together with your friends, share them with the Call to Action “Support female riders with a Pack Ride” on your Social Media channels until May 15th with #WhoRidesTheWorld and tag @riserapp (Instagram) or @riserbikerapp (FB).
The Pack that stays together for the most kilometers, wins a weekend getaway with us through the Alps – find the terms and conditions for the contest HERE.
But not only the Pack that rides together best wins! Among all participants we give away 1×5 SENA 30K Bluetooth devices for you and your Pack as a second prize and among all ladies who take part in our challenge, we raffle 1 beautiful motorcycle helmet by Veldt Helmets!