Today we have the pleasure of introducing Alyssa Bridges!
Alyssa Bridges lives in Southern California, USA. She is working in the motorcycle business since years and is working for a company called SENA. Through her job she gets to travel a lot on her motorcycle and meet interesting people. We asked Alyssa a few questions about her background and her motorcycle experiences.
How and when did you start biking?
As a kid I’d build go carts and ride them down the hill we lived on with nothing more than a piece of wood as a brake system. My Dad introduced me to ATVs and dirt bikes. Later after I joined Sena they helped me take the motorcycle course to get the legal documentation for the motorcycle license so I could finally ride on the road legally. Right after that I bought my first street bike. Years later, now I don’t even have a car, just the motorcycle to get me around.
What is your life’s motto?
In complete honesty, I find myself jokingly saying “run your engine, not your mouth” as people can still seem to get too caught up gossiping or fuss over what brands or bikes are the best. At the end of it all, motorcycling should be fun and not a competition. Thus, anyone participating should ride for the love of the ride and the want to continue to improve their riding skills. If we are all “crazy” enough to get on a motorcycle, then we all already have one thing in common and should enjoy each other’s company both on and off the road without any judgment.
Group or solo?
I actually prefer to be alone or with 2-3 people. Large groups become messy as it seems people of all skill levels and many without any idea where they are going to join. It is much easier, especially in California traffic to keep and eye on a smaller group and of people I trust to ride close to. Alone, I’m usually riding and listening to my Music. At times group rides can be fun, mostly for the shared social experience – the laughs during launch break or a good story after the ride.
What is your favourite route? And why?
There are some really nice twisty roads along the backside of San Diego, California. Within minutes you it looks like a completely different area than you would expect San Diego to look like. Instead of beaches, cows and rolling green hills along the side of the road. Or Sturgis, South Dakota. However, during the Sturgis motorcycle rally with over 500,000 people some of those beautiful roads can become rather slow going.
What would you like all women to know?Women are now 19% of licensed motorcycle riders in the US. This number continues to grow rapidly and more and more brands within the industry are taking notice and offering a wider selection in gear. Women are helping to make an impact in the motorcycle industry, but more-so the industry is growing as a whole. Woman or not, each rider is another addition to this international community of motorcycle enthusiasts. Motorcycling is the fastest way for anyone, at any age to make a friend, anywhere in the world.