On 19 January was the day to put a spontaneously born idea into action. In other words: On Friday after a shorter working day I set off with my friends from Bobber-Store.com and my Dyna-Bro Jürgen for Verona in Italy, more than 700 km away. It is the city where the most famous of all love stories is said to have happened, that of Romeo and Juliet. But don’t worry, this won’t be a Shakespeare cultural trip, instead I’ll visit some other beauties: Clubstyle Dynas. The Motor Bike Expo 2019 is the first to promote a FXR/Dyna show in the program.
Day numero uno thus consists of many hours in the car and a 11 p.m. pizza with beer afterward.
On Saturday morning we have a double espresso, a croissant and leave early for the exhibition hall to avoid the first rush of the masses. Immediately we marched purposefully towards Hall 3 to enjoy the Harleys. But pictures say more than a thousand words, so better see for yourself.

Trade fairs are also intended to enable a wide variety of brands and manufacturers to showcase themselves to their community. And there have been more than we could have seen in one day. SanDiego Customs, Arlen Ness, LePera, Chopper Kings, Motorcyclestorehouse, Hard case performance, to name only the most outstanding ones for me. A huge bonus of the MBE 2019 was that the manufacturers did not send employees, but the owners themselves were present. So they spent a lot of their time talking about their products and about where their products are available in Europe.

Another focus of my excursion to Verona was to finally get to know all the people with whom I have talked over time on the Internet, but have not yet had the opportunity to meet them personally, because they live all over Europe. The Club style Bike Community is a small, young but fast growing community. This is also evident from the fact that, as already mentioned, many of the big brands did not want to miss the opportunity to present themselves personally.

The third and last day was filled with a little sightseeing. A visit to the statue of Giulietta and the Arena di Verona is a must. When we enjoyed a cafe at the Piazza Bra with almost two-digit temperatures, a small parade made us forget for a short time that there are still two months until the beginning of the motorcycle season 2019.
Will I go back to the MBE in 2020? Absolutely. Even if the way home stretched over 700km motorway.