Header riser dominik koffu

Photo: Max Kropitz

The year will soon be over and it has been an adventure! With you we were looking for the greatest adventure and I have found it.

In the last few months we have been looking for the greatest adventure and asked ourselves what actually makes an adventure. That’s why we asked our RISER Ambassadors to share their best motorcycle stories with us and tell us what an adventure is for them. For some it was a great journey into the unknown, for others it meant overcoming oneself and trying something new or simply breaking out of everyday routine and taking a detour on the way from work. As expected, the interpretations of adventure were as different as the authors themselves.

RISER, the greatest adventure of my life

What is the greatest adventure for me? Definitely the creation of RISER. For me, this meant fulfilling a wish for myself: Being able to connect with the motorcycle community and benefit from their knowledge of the most exciting routes without spending hours browsing through online forums. From the original idea to the present day, many people have joined in building RISER. Our team has been growing, we feel as if we have worked millions of hours. And every day we master new challenges to make RISER even better and to create a place where we can share our passion with others like us.

What we have achieved this year

With Groups and Getaways we developed two new features for you during the first half of the year and just in time for the start of the riding season we released RISER PRO with the Adventure Navigator and other features. Every day the community continues to grow – this year alone the number of RISER riders has doubled. The more we become, the closer we get to our goal of becoming THE platform for bikers. And although we are already on our last power reserves at the end of this year, we are pushing the throttle to surprise you with something really big at the beginning of next season.

Why are we doing all this?

We are doing it for us, the community. We want to create a space where we can share our passion. Because our adventures only turn into what they are when they are shared.

Now, at the end of the year, we want to showcase your experiences and reward the coolest adventure with the RISER Adventure Award. You can decide which trip will become the Adventure of the Year from next week. We will keep you posted.

Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you.
Thank you for using RISER and sharing your insights. Thank you for your support and your ideas. Also thank you for your criticism and your feedback. Because you are what is most important to us and you are developing RISER with us. Thank you all for joining us on this path!

Yours Dominik


If you want to tell us something, please contact us at or write us on Social Media!


RISER – Driven by Adventure

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